Work Assistance and Extended Services
Workplace Assistance provides an individual personal care services and/or support on the job to complete tasks that they would normally do for themselves if they did not have a disability. This may include direct support or prompting with hygiene, toileting, transferring, making meals, medication administration, etc. This service can only be provided to an individual while they are working in a competitive community employment setting.

Extended Services provides an individual with ongoing employment supports to help an individual to maintain community employment due to limitations in functional areas. The supports may include training and assistance in developing and maintaining natural supports, increasing opportunities for inclusion in the workplace, safety training, personal care, social skill development, and public transportation training, etc. The service is provided after an individual has been closed from the Vocational Rehabilitation Services programs. If an individual is still receiving services through Vocational Rehabilitation Services, then Vocational Rehabilitation Services should be assisting with this support.